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Biweekly COVID-19 Funder Briefing #18

Wednesday, September 2, 2020
10:15am - 11:15am EDT
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Video Conference
Dial-in information will be made available within 24 hours of the meeting

COVID-19 funder briefings are open to all funders in the Greater Philadelphia region. These convenings serve as an opportunity for funders to update each other on new and existing COVID-19 funding efforts in the five-county region, share what you've been hearing from your grantees/communities and steps you are taking to respond, and explore opportunities for collaboration.

The September 2nd session will be the last in our regularly-scheduled series of bi-weekly COVID-19 funder briefings. After conducting weekly (and then bi-weekly) briefings since the onset of the pandemic in March, we are taking a short pause to rethink our approach and determine the best format for keeping the funders connected and informed about the ongoing effects of COVID-19 and philanthropy’s response. As we move into the next phase of the pandemic, Philanthropy Network will continue to convene members and key partners to share important news, updates and collective action opportunities to address the widespread impact of COVID-19 and emergent issues in the region.