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COVID-19 Funder Briefing #21

Wednesday, March 10, 2021
9:00am - 10:00am EST
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Video Conference
Dial-in info will be provided within 24 hours of event

Join us for the next COVID-19 funder briefing. These sessions provide regional funders with an opportunity to update each other on efforts surrounding COVID-19 in Greater Philadelphia, share what they’re hearing about the needs in the community and steps they are taking to respond, and explore new initiatives and opportunities for collaboration.

COVID-19 funder briefings are open to all funders in the Greater Philadelphia region.


  1. Academic Recovery
    Speaker: Dr. Malika Savoy Brooks, Chief of Academic Supports at the School District of Philadelphia

    + PPT: The School District of Philadelphia: The Path to Academic Recovery and Success
    + Related article: A year into the COVID-19 pandemic, school as we know it has been transformed by Carrie Melago for Chalkbeat (03.08.21)
  2. COVID-19 Relief Fund for South Philly Mexican Businesses campaign
    Speakers: Héctor Herrada, Philatinos Radio (and representative of the Association of Mexican Business Owners of Philadelphia); Nicole Marcote, The Welcoming Center; Leah Reisman, Puentes de Salud

    + Related article: South Philly Mexican businesses come together to raise COVID-19 relief funds By Elizabeth Estrada for WHYY (02.20.21) 
    + Video: Empresarios Mexicano
  3. Open Share