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Education Funders Roundtable: Pathways to College and Career Readiness

Thursday, March 23, 2017
8:30am - 10:30am EDT
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Philadelphia, PA
The Philadelphia Foundation 1234 Market Street Suite 1800 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107

Please join Philanthropy Network for the next Education Funders Roundtable.  Building off of the Education Funders’ interactive October 5th session, Mapping a High Quality Education System facilitated by graphic illustrator Chrissie Bonner, this session will offer a deeper exploration of the “Career and College Readiness” portion of the educational landscape. 

Through this session attendees will learn about the challenges and opportunities for students as they make the critical transition out of high school.  Drawing on research about what students need for success in college and career, we will explore the implications for instructional work and other community supports in high school and middle school.  Attendees will hear about a number of promising approaches in the field, including early and middle college, which are yielding positive outcomes for students already. 


  • Dr. Ruth Neild, Director of PERC, Research for Action
  • Dr. Kate Shaw, Executive Director, Research for Action
  • Dr. David Thomas, Associate VP for Strategic Initiatives, Community College of Philadelphia

Following these presentations, attendees will take part in a facilitated conversation to explore next steps for regional funder involvement and support of college in career readiness initiatives. Breakfast will be provided.


Philanthropy Network thanks The Philadelphia Foundation for hosting this event!