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Giving Big: The Impact of Large, Unrestricted Gifts of Nonprofits

Hosting Organization: 
Center for Effective Philanthropy
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
2:00pm - 3:15pm EST
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MacKenzie Scott’s giving has challenged conventional norms for big donors and foundations. Her gifts have been the largest ever received by most of the recipient organizations – multiple times the size of typical grants from even large foundations – and have been unrestricted and accompanied by minimal reporting requirements. So what can be learned from her approach? How have the nonprofit recipients used these resources? What have they accomplished that they might not have otherwise? What have been the unintended consequences?

In this special webinar, CEP will reveal new data from the most comprehensive examination to date of the experiences of recipients of Scott’s giving. The webinar will be held on the release date of the first report in an ongoing three-year study of Scott’s giving and will feature a discussion of implications with leaders of organizations that received gifts as well as a leader whose foundation is supporting the effort to learn from Scott’s approach.


  • Phil Buchanan, President, Center for Effective Philanthropy


  • Ellie Buteau, Director of Research Projects and Special Advisor on Research Methodology and Analysis, Center for Effective Philanthropy
  • Stephanie Gillis, Director of Impact-Driven Philanthropy Initiative, Raikes Foundation
  • Kyra Kyles, Chief Executive Officer, YR Media
  • Lysa Ratliff, Chief Executive Officer, KABOOM!
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