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What’s Next for Philanthropy in the 2020s featuring the Monitor Institute

Hosting Organization: 
National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers
Thursday, January 13, 2022
1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Registrants will receive unique login credentials directly from Zoom a few days in advance of this presentation
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The compounding crises of the last several years—the health and economic emergencies of COVID-19, the widespread reckoning on racial justice, the growing political polarization and violence, and the looming threat of climate change—have marked a pivotal moment for the field of philanthropy. As we look ahead, a sense of hope for fundamental change is accompanied by a strong pull back to the way things were. This has led many to ask, at a moment that feels like it may be an important inflection point for the field: what’s next for philanthropy?

In 2020, the Monitor Institute by Deloitte launched the What’s Next for Philanthropy in the 2020s initiative to help foundations and donors of all sorts reflect on the current state of philanthropic practice and explore new possibilities, models, and interventions for the future. The research engaged more than 200 philanthropy executives, professionals, donors, board members, experts, and grantees to understand both the “Big Shifts” reshaping the field, and the emerging “Edges” of practice that show an outsized potential to change philanthropic practice. In this webinar, we will explore:

  • The “Big Shifts” in society that are influencing the field of philanthropy
  • The emerging “Edges” of philanthropic practice that are aligned with these shifts
  • Initial ideas about how funders can begin to scale these “Edges” within their organizations
  • A set of insights on where the future of philanthropy may be headed
How to Register/RSVP: 

Webinar Cost:
NNCG Full Member (Free); NNCG Associate Member ($25); Non-Member ($55). Discounted webinar packages are also available for non-members: 2-webinars ($100); three webinars ($135).
