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Chesco Residents Gather to Reflect on Lessons Learned and Strategies for Sustaining a Female-Led Cultural Movement

Friday, February 2, 2018

WEST CHESTER, PA (February 2, 2018) - The Chester County Fund for Women and Girls hosted a panel discussion in our WomenTalk series on the cultural and political shifts happening in Chester County, with women at the helm of the movement. Sixty women and men from all ends of the county gathered at Women on the Rise: Stories from a Movement on January 24 to reflect on ways to truly engage with issues affecting our communities. The full discussion was streamed through Facebook Live and is available on our Facebook page.

Facilitator Nia Meeks, communications leader and Principal at bgConnex, was joined by panelists Patricia Maisano, Chester County Treasurer, Jasmine Sessoms, founder of the non-partisan organization She Can Win and Kate Young, concerned citizen, for a discussion on coming together as fellow humans – despite political party – to find common ground. The group also reflected on the power of female mentorship, knowing one’s worth and being prepared to advocate for oneself in a professional or personal setting, and remaining hopeful about the political change process by looking to examples of candidates winning (or losing) a race by only a few deciding votes.

Panelists (from left to right) Jasmine Sessoms, Patricia Maisano and Kate Young were joined by moderator
Nia Meeks for a timely and thoughtful discussion on the power of female representation and engagement.

As midterm elections approach, the panelists also urged attendees to support female candidates whose beliefs resonate with them – or even to run for office themselves.

One attendee, Amber Little-Turner, is taking that last message to heart. The lifelong Coatesville resident and mother of four is running for state representative in the 74th Legislative District:

“I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the panel of women speak. One take away for me is that women's issues are not a partisan issue. We need to find qualified candidates and elect more women.”

CCFWG continues to lead and unite the community on the issues facing women and girls by providing actionable information such as the 2016 Blueprint Report, bringing together the community’s diverse voices and interests for the continued advancement of women, and providing grants to non-profits addressing the needs of women and girls.


The Chester County Fund for Women and Girls is a grantmaking and education foundation that addresses needs of women and girls in the county. For 20 years, CCFWG has raised awareness and awarded nearly $3 million to 71 non-profit organizations. To learn more about our work, visit


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