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A Full House in Delco!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Philanthropy Network president Christine Robinson (center) with representatives from
The Foundation for Delaware County (l to r) Laura DeFlavia, Joanne Craig, Cyrise Dixon and Frances Sheehan

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On Wednesday, July 26, 2023, Christine Robinson joined 30+ representatives of Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia’s Delaware County Funders Community of Practice for a delicious breakfast and discussion of how we can work together to become a stronger and more responsive regional network.

Held at the Inn at Swarthmore, the meeting was generously hosted by The Foundation for Delaware County and the Independence Foundation. Laura DeFlavia, Philanthropy Network board member and CFO at The Foundation for Delaware County welcomed attendees and introduced Network president Christine Robinson.

Robinson shared her vision of Philanthropy Network as a “catalytic collective” and her goals for partnering with members to create a more equitable region. Moving forward, the Network will be focused on helping its members strengthen operations, governance, and grantmaking programs to deepen our work and build connections with government and community partners in every county. Robinson also shared some new offerings the Network will launch in the coming months, including expanding our communities of practice to incorporate additional issues of interest and identity-based groups. These communities of practice will engage members focused on similar topics to share knowledge, tactics, and resources and provide opportunities for connections and potential collaboration.  

Following her presentation, the group engaged in a lively discussion with Robinson on a variety of topics, including how we measure an equitable region, how we can more effectively engage foundation trustees and recruit funders that are not yet members, and opportunities to build relationships and partner with the public sector.  

Jennifer Bohnenberger, co-chair of the Delaware County Funders Community of Practice, concluded the program with thanks to Christine, to her co-host and co-chair Frances Sheehan, and everyone for their enthusiastic participation. She noted there was clear excitement and alignment around Robinson’s vision for Philanthropy Network and an eagerness among Delaware County members to continue the conversation.

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