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Highlights from the 36th Annual Members Meeting

Friday, March 29, 2024

On March 25, we were delighted to welcome over 150 members for our 36th Annual Members Meeting. Some of the event highlights are captured below.

Keynote and Conversation

Following welcome remarks by Chair Rashanda Perryman, Board member Donna Frisby-Greenwood introduced keynote speaker, Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker. 

Mayor Cherelle Parker spoke about her vision for Philadelphia as the "safest, cleanest, greenest big city" in the U.S. and gave numerous examples of public-philanthropic partnerships - including William Penn Foundation's partnership with the city on the Rebuild initiative - that are already helping to advance this work. She closed her remarks with a call for everyone to join her in raising a finger and repeating, "One Philly, A United City."

Next, Philanthropy Network Vice Chair Leon Andrews engaged in a dialogue and led an audience Q&A with Kafi Lindsay, Director of the City of Philadelphia's Office of Strategic Partnerships about her new role and opportunities for philanthropy to partner with the Parker administration on key initiatives.

Regional Workforce Panel

Elinor Haider, Senior Director, The Pew Charitable Trusts presented findings* from a new Pew research report, “Roadmap for Quality Jobs.”  Haider then led a panel discussion connecting the regional and city workforce and economic development systems with Alba Martinez, Commerce Director, Philadelphia Department of Commerce; Jodie Harris, President, PIDC; Pat Clancy, President & CEO, Philadelphia Works, Inc.; and Chellie Cameron, President & CEO, The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia.

*View the "Roadmap for Quality Jobs” PowerPoint presentation here. 

Listening Sessions

With facilitation support from Equal Measure, members gathered in small groups to consider questions about Philanthropy Network's value, our role in working with members to advance equity across the region, and how we can strengthen our services and resources as we look toward the future.

Business Meeting

Board Chair Rashanda Perryman called the meeting to order, and began by recognizing and thanking the many individuals and organizations who have stepped up and provided exceptional support to Philanthropy Network, especially during recent times of challenge and change. 

Secretary Diana Loukedis Doherty delivered an update from the Governance Committee. While there were no new director nominations, Doherty announced that Leon Andrews had been elected to serve in the vacant position of Vice Chair. She shared that four directors - Donna Frisby-Greenwood, Umi Howard, Shawn McCaney, and Kristina Wahl – agreed to extend their terms through June 30 while the committee seeks to identify candidates to fill their seats. Doherty also announced that she and fellow Executive Committee member Casey Cook would extend their service through March 2025 in order to fulfill the second year of their officer terms. She also issued a call to members to consider volunteering to serve on the Network's Board of Directors.

Treasurer Ann Marie Healy provided an update on the organization's financial position. Healy reported that Philanthropy Network had weathered the worst of the financial crisis that emerged at the end of 2023 and that the organization is currently on stable financial footing. Healy also noted that the 2024 membership campaign has had a strong response and renewal efforts are ongoing. 

Interim Transformation Director Michael Kellerman introduced himself, sharing a bit about his background, how he is approaching his new role and the process he envisions for exploring options and opportunities for Philanthropy Network's next chapter.


Cheers to our Reception Sponsor Equal Measure!  


Thanks for our event sponsors!

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