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The Presser Foundation announces more than $71,000 in new special project grants to music organizations

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Press release

The Presser Foundation is pleased to announce new Special Project single year and multi-year grants totaling $71,500 to 12 music organizations. This year, music organizations applied for grants within three of the following categories: 1) pilot projects/programs, 2) first-time, ongoing programmatic collaborations, and 3) operating support for newer music organizations. The Foundation will also honor more than $61,000 in previous commitments.

Peter Burwasser, Chair of the Special Projects Committee, commented on these grants: “In a year with a limited budget, the Special Projects Committee is excited to support 12 organizations of varying types and sizes. We’re eager to provide general operating support to four new music organizations to the Foundation as they develop programming for music education, music presentation, and music performance. We’re also pleased to see long-term Foundation grantees expanding their programs during a challenging funding year for the sector. From starting a new chamber ensemble for high-level performing youth, to producing and sharing unique videos online to expand access of Latin chamber and popular music to schoolchildren, to a new collaboration between a well-respected music presenter and music education organization focused on Hispanic/Latinx youth, Philadelphia music organizations continue to expand access through new programming and collaborations.”

A full listing by special project category of the nonprofit partners is below.

2023-24 Special Project Grantees (in alphabetical order by category)

Pilot Projects - $33,500
  • Capital Harmony Works
  • Dolce Suono Ensemble*
  • Philadelphia Boys and Girls Choirs*
First-Time Collaboration – $10,000
  • Philadelphia Chamber Music Society
General Operating Support - $28,000
  • Artcinia
  • FamFrequency Productions
  • Filament
  • Fire Museum Presents
  • Musica Tevere
  • The LOTUS Project of Trenton
  • The Primavera Fund
  • The Rhythm Mission Inc.

*Denotes multi-year grant

About The Presser Foundation

The Presser Foundation was established in 1939 under the will of the late Theodore Presser. It is one of the few private foundations in the United States dedicated solely to music education and music philanthropy. The Presser Foundation considers applications for funding from music organizations working in a broad range of traditions, genres, and styles through general operating and program grants (Greater Philadelphia); capital grants for music building projects (Greater Philadelphia); undergraduate and graduate student awards (national); and assistance to retired music teachers (national). The Foundation is committed to equitable, transparent, and forward-thinking philanthropy. For more information:

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